
We offer salvage services for any pre-existing textile material. Our goal is to work with local companies and everyday people to help minimize the negative environmental impact of textile disposal. 

We offer partnerships with companies that are currently in the soft good production industry. By providing consulting services can work together to strengthen the environmental integrity of goods and work to keep by-products of production out of landfills. Most of us don't realize how much extra fabric is thrown away in process of making goods. We are working to capture this material and find solutions to give this waste a function, while also ensuring current production practices are giving environmental advocacy a place in product design and decision making processes.

We accept textile waste donations in various quantities and type of materials. Clothing or gear that is past the point of repair can be used as scrap to repair other goods. Any other textile waste is diverted to art projects, teaching, or integrated into new product design to ensure it is being used in some way. 

Reach out if you have material to donate:

Salvage to Re-Sale

Taking textile waste and turning it into functional goods.

Why not make everyday functional goods out of textile waste? If the demand for these goods is already there, let’s close the loop and source textiles from waste already created in the textile industry.