Providing industrial sewing services to maintain value in all your textile goods.

Mayhem Goals

Our primary goal is to provide soft good repair services to the Ely community and greater Northwoods region. We approach solutions to safe keep the functional integrity of a textile good by taking into consideration all levels of functional recapture. At which point in the post-consumer waste pipeline will investment be most cost effective to capture as much use as possible. While also considering what end of the line goods will satisfy functional demand, aesthetic preferences and ultimately captivate consumers. We hope to inspire as greater sense of value in all the textile goods we as humans rely on daily.

We aim to conduct business in a way that puts environmental considerations at the forefront of all decision making. Time, money, energy and natural resources all went into the production of current existing textiles today. Reducing textile waste not only keeps physical waste out of the environment but further distributes the impact the construction of a good has already had on the environment over time. By preserving the functionality of textile goods and ensuring they can continue to satisfy our needs, we are demonstrating behaviors that can lessen our impacts on the environment. 

Core Values

  1. Environmental Impact

  2. Communication with Customers

  3. Community and Greater Responsibility as a Business

Our Services

  • Repair

    We offer repair services for any soft goods: clothing, camping gear and anything else we can fit on our industrial sewing machines.

    Repair goals include:

  • Salvage

    We accept textile waste donations in various quantities and type of materials. Clothing or gear that is past the point of repair can be used as scrap to repair other goods. Any other textile waste is diverted to art projects, teaching, or integrated into new product design to ensure it is being used in some way.

  • Custom Sewing

    We offer custom sewing services to create goods tailored specifically for your needs. Do you want a completely unique and personalized piece of clothing or gear, maybe we can help.